Why Scenic Utah?

Scenic Utah launched in 2018 as a bold statewide effort to reduce visual pollution, reclaim our vanishing vistas, and encourage action to protect Utah’s beloved and globally renowned scenery. We are a 501(c)(3) working to focus policy attention on the visual environment, encourage civic engagement, and promote change through education, advocacy, and accountability.


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melting billboard

What's the Deal with Billboards?

The outdoor advertising industry brags that billboards are the one medium you can’t turn off. But a majority of Utahns wish they could. Turns out, 75% of Utahns agree that billboards are an eyesore in our communities. With such broad consensus on an issue like this, you’d think limiting their proliferation—and removing them where they’re no longer wanted—should be a community’s prerogative. But the billboard lobby is powerful and persuasive. Over many years, Utah has passed a range of laws that pre-empt local governments’ ability to control outdoor advertising, with far-reaching negative economic and social impacts.

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Scenic Viewpoint

April 11th 2024

The City Council approved an ordinance change giving them the power to negotiate with billboard companies to take down billboards in exchange for buil...

April 1st 2024

Signs block views from new luxury apartment buildings. Problem is, they were there first. This is a reposted article written by Tony Semerad...

November 1st 2023

Thanks to state laws, removing a billboard in Utah is nearly impossible. Utah billboard owners demand huge ‘just compensation’ payments for buying out...


Support & Advocate

Donations support research, outreach, education and advocacy efforts of our small staff and many hard-working volunteers. With your help, we’re building a coalition of Utahns and visitors who treasure our shared scenic resources and believe they should be protected.

